Where to Place Middleware Files in Laravel

Where to Place Middleware Files in Laravel

"Hey everyone! 👋 Let's squash those CORS bugs together and make your APIs shine! 💡"

Curious about where to place middleware files in Laravel to keep those bugs at bay? Well, fear not, dear coder! Let me take you on a whimsical journey to the land of middleware placement. Click here 👉 to discover the secret pathway to Laravel middleware mastery!

In Laravel, the Kernel.php file is typically located in the app/Http directory.

    └── app
        └── Http
            └── Kernel.php

You can find the Kernel.php file there. This file contains the middleware configuration for your Laravel application.

As for the Cors.php middleware file, you would create it within the app/Http/Middleware directory. If the directory doesn't exist, you can create it.

    └── app
        └── Http
            └── Middleware
                └── Cors.php

You can create the Cors.php file within the Middleware directory and place your CORS middleware code there. After creating it, you can follow the instructions provided in your blog post to integrate the middleware into your Laravel application.

Now that you know where to place your middleware files in Laravel, you can effectively manage and configure middleware for your application's needs.


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